Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stomach Flu

Is this the color of throw up?

Ok, if you have not gotten the stomach flu goin whatever you need to do to NOT get it. It's AWFUL.

Terra her with a very high fever and Scooter thought she was the heating blanket. No, Scooter was being a good lil bro and taking care of his sis. Isn't it ah-maz-ing how much he has taken on from Dusty's duties?

After a long nap...LeAnn wanted to change clothes. In doing so...Rockford took the empty warm spot.

I think this proves the statement "you snooze you lose". Really should LONG as you snooze, you don't lose.

Feel free to quote me....that one goin in the books

Rockford was NOT moving.

LeAnn, not even an hour after the above shot. Out with a 102 temp. Can one have ANY MORE pink on or around them that this?

LeAnn felt a little better after a nap....check out these PJS. PERFECT for LeAnn!!!!

It says "Make it pink or I'll cause a stink" With a picture of a skunk....

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