Thursday, September 11, 2008

NINE years of marriage!!!!

Wow, 9 years. NEXT YEAR WILL BE TEN!!!

Ya know Michael and I met on a blind date. I was on again off again with this guy that I LOVED and apparently he did not love me back nor was ready for commitment. Seeing as I headed to Lynchburg in 1995 searching for my MRS Degree...I was ready to the next stage. I totally forgot to "enjoy" my college days. But then again...I did come to Liberty. Not knocking Liberty but we could not have TVS in our rooms, we had to wear dresses to class and in the buildings till late afternoon. We already covered that I NEEDED that though. I can not imagine the trouble I would have ended up in had I gone to UF or a public college.

Anyway. I've only dated three guys in my life. One for high school, one for college and for...for life. Michael and I were put together but a couple that we both adored. I worked with her and he worked with him.

I said "no" to the opportunity to be introduced for months. Till I finally wised up and moved on. We dated in a group for a month (maybe more). Then we finally went out alone. We dated for a whopping 6 months before we were engaged and then married 9 months later. REALLY fast. Seeing as I dated my only other two "boyfriends" on and off for the whole four years in school.

Your going to love this...we went through pre-marital counseling and our counselors (though attended our wedding) suggested we NOT get married. We didn't listen. We had a few others say we wouldn't last either but here we are.

If there is one thing I am proud's the fact that my marriage is solid. Has it been easy? NO NO NO NO. There have been times...I've been like..."seriously not working here." But ya know what....we have some AH-MAZ-ING couples that we follow their lead on family and marriage. One thing I read (I think) is that LOVE IS NOT FEELING, BUT A CHOICE. This pertains to marriage more than dating. Dating you can leave when you want...that's the good thing about dating. But once you take that BIG step of "Till Death do us part" you must sometimes DECIDE to love, when you don't "feel" in love.

I think God has had a great laugh at Michael and I in certain times. I mean...Michael and I weren't even sure we were committed to each other AND on the pill when we got pregnant with not one but TWO babies. Then on top of that...He placed me in a situation where I had to depend on Michael to hook my "food" up to a tub that was in my arm....for nourishment. Since I wasn't keeping any food down.

Ya know...we instantly forgot about ourselves and focused on making it through that pregnancy with all three of us healthy and alive. You learn to respect and love someone that has to do everything for you.

We attended a Family Life Marriage Conference in Roanoke early on in the pregnancy and that really helped us get perspective of what God really means and calls us to do in the area of marriage. We reestablished ourselves and vows.

Then God kept right on blessing. We were a little unsure of the pregnancy thins as there were times we were all a little unsure we were all going to make it. But God proved Him faithful and has been blessing right and left. I can honestly say I love Michael MORE today than I did when we got married. That might seem weird to some. But we have truly continued to grow together for these nine years.

Our marriage is not gone without other test and trails, but we have learned to forgive each other and use it for our learning and growing stronger roots. Weeds come along and we pull them together. Sometimes it's a HUGE tree trunk and we have to dig and pull away painful bandages for months before we begin to repair and heal...but we have learned so much.

We also choose to hang out with and seek advise about our marriage from the right people. That means couples that are further along the train ride that we are. We don't ask friends that are single or that don't see our marriage as a covenant made before God what to do. Also couples that respect both sides, Michael's and Mine.

I know that not everyone is blessed with a spouse like I have. Michael is an AH-MAZ-ING father, lover, friend, companion and life partner. I could not ask for more. Awe, that's one of our song. Edwin McCain "I could not ask for more."

Along our years many of you know Michael writes music. In a frame is one that he wrote me years ago. It hangs here above my desk. I cherish it...

To the woman who holds my heart
My soul is held in perfect balance,
My mid is set at ease,
My heart is warmed with comfort's bliss,
My being is at its knees.
I pledge my life in humble service,
To lift up into God's Grace,
I will never want for anything more,
For mine eyes have seen your face.
To keep you safe from all harm's way,
To always provide, so you will never need,
To hold and cherish, and love and admire,
Your soul's deepest hunger, I will ever feed.
Moonlit stars and sunlit clouds,
Are in your eyes and your for the taking,
Future's bright, and dreams come true,
Are in your mind and mine for the making.
No hint of fame, or taste of power
Will ever see us falling apart,
No treasure's gold, not fleeting desire,
For you are the woman who holds my heart.
has established marriage as a covenant relationship, a sacred and lifelong promise,
reflecting our unconditional love for one another and believing God intends for the
marriage covenant to reflect His promise to never leave us nor forsake us,
WE, the undersigned, do hereby reaffirm our solemn pledge to fulfill our marriage vows.
Furthermore, we pledge to exalt the sacred nature and permanence of the marriage covenant
by calling others to honor and fulfill their marriage vows.
In the presence of God
and these witnesses, and by a holy covenant
I, Michael A Justice, fully receive you as God's perfect gift for me, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love you, to honor you, to cherish you and to protect you, forsaking all others as long as we both shall live.
I, Candace M. Justice, joyfully receive you as God's perfect gift for me, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love you, to honor you, to respect you and to submit to you, forsaking all others as long as we both shall live.
Witnessed this day, January 22, 2001
Witnessed by
Don Justice
Pat Justice
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. PSALM 127:1a
No Don and Pat Justice are not related to us. Just friends.
Well that's our story in a nut shell. For those that don't know it. Michael and I are going out tonight but I have NO IDEA what we're doing. I was just told last night not to make plans or whatever. I was instructed to dress nice. Not church nice but nice. So I am. We will be leaving within the hour. So I'll have to let you know later what we did. (Within reason of course.) : O
Thank you Lord for blessing me with a spouse I DO NOT deserve. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness and grace that he shows me and that YOU show me. Even though I rarely show the same to myself. You have blessed our marriage in many ways. When we fight to make it work, You bless us. When we mess up, You STILL bless us. I pray that Michael and I will continue to honor You in our marriage and in life. Thank you for showing us early on, that as we grow towards You, we grow closer together. You are my first love and I know that You are Michael's first love as well. And that is such a key factor in our marriage. Forever my Lion of Judah You are.
Candy M. Justice (proudly)

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