Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cami came by after dinner....

Cami Sexton came by in represent the Sexton family. The first picture here was Breana was bringing in the girls "big presents" and she asked them to close their eyes on the couch. Well Cami decided to join the fun!!!!

I LOVE Cami!!!!

LeAnn and Terra opening the gift from the Sexton family. Thank You guys SO MUCH!!!

I'm sure Lynne was NOT happy when Cami got home. We gave him a sucker at like 7pm at night. Sorry Lynne!!!! You love me anyway right!!!

This is Terra with her blanket that Breana MADE for the girls. She took them a few weeks ago to pick the pattern they wanted. Terra picked this pattern with fire trucks on it. So we finally decided exactually what she REALLY wanted was something with ORANGE (the current fav color) in it. The fire was ORANGE. She ended up with a orange on one side and burgundy on the other. VT Hokies!!!!!

It is NO surprise that LeAnn wanted PINK. It's GOTTA BE PINK. This is funny! While Terra was picking fire truck patterns. LeAnn was picking the pink blanket with the CANCER ribbon on it. Now I'm not knocking the cancer ribbon but....not what this 7 year old needs on her blanket. SO we have this...I call it pink camouflage. It is ADORABLE.


So Scooter has found a new place to get that Rockford CAN NOT get. Sittin ON my desk. As you can see here...he was catchin up with his pals on Facebook. What up dogs? GET IT. What's up...dogs? He's a DOG. LOL

So the girls cameras have been in everyones faces. LeAnn got up close and personal with Scooter here.

Aunt Cindy if you'll look in the back you'll see OUR picture on the wall. I never got the side pics so I have shelves on each side. The shelf you see there has nothing other than a Football and a Gator Helmet. The other side has...another Football and a VT helmet. Not what the artist had in mind I'm sure when they were painting the picture...but hey....Michael won't let me have a football corner with a FATHEAD of Tebow and some I gotta do what I can to make up for it!!!!!

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