Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Birthday Dinner at the "Peanut Place"

Somehow I got a little out of order here. But these are pictures from our "birthday dinner". I asked the girls several days ahead where they wanted to go. All I could get was "the peanut place." I was likle what the heck is the peanut place? Every place I named...was of course "NOT IT MOMMY."

So finally, after leaving one of a DAILY Target runs. The both, at the same time say, "THAT'S the peanut place." Well SO glad we cleared that up. Finally I began thinking of three places in that same area that could be "the peanut place." Five Guys. Logan's and Texas Roadhouse. Well, my girls were referring to Logan's so that is where we went. We do not go there often so I was VERY surprised to have them choose this. But I later discovered WHY they wanted to go there. I tend to have a habit of throwing peanuts "at random" in hand fulls...and the girls LOVE this. And LOVE begin about to do it back. They also think that being able to throw the shells on the floor is the greatest thing EVER. See I'm OCD do...if the toliet paper is hanging wrong...we have a problem.

Well we let our hair down and the picture above is of Bre OUR VERY FAVORITE person. Terra and Bre. The tongues...I am NOT responsible for..... ; )

Bre and LeAnn. Can't seem to keep their tongues in their mouth....

All the girls before eatin dinner.....

Our family!!!! Man I need a reduction from somewhere.....

Bre from Terra's view in the van on the way to the resturant.

THANKS Bre. Just what we needed.....MORE SUGAR...Terra and her suckers....

LeAnn and her suckers...a great TARGET gift!!!!

Yes beware. Terra LOVES to put bunny ears on everyone now. NO IDEA.

Me and my hubby.... O look my tongue is out too.

Sweet inicent me. Check the guy out in the back. He was probably glad when we left as we were throwing peanuts EVERYWHERE. Man do we live in redneckville or what. Check him out. Go ol Rustburg, VA.

At Logan's they don't sing or dance....you just get a big YYYYEEEEEEEEE HHHHHAAAWWWW! Terra and LeAnn gittin their YEE HAW. They made Bre go with them.

Terra with her mommy and daddy. That tongue I tell you. It's of the devil.

Terra loadn the sugar in

Poor LeAnn can barely get those in her mouth. We all know Terra doesn't have a problem gettin them both in at once. She gets that from...her daddy....her BIG mouth. LOL ; )

LeAnn armed with sugar. No idea what the face is about

So this was our dinner. The pictures were taken with this digital cam I got the girls. They take more pictures that their mom! Boy are we in trouble when we allow them to have a blog, myspace or facebook....look out everyone for computer overload. So they don't take the BEST of quality. It is digital, it cost much more than a toy camera BUT still made kid friendly so...I guess with that you lose some quality. My camera was left at home sooo has to rely on these cams.

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