Friday, July 11, 2008


Because there are no other words right now.

My "Big Sis" (Debby "Wiser") recently gave me the sweetest card and gift. I gotta tell you Sis, these verses have been posted in every room of my house and I have got it so hidden in my heart and mind that I've personalized it now...(let me clue everyone else in)

The weight of the cares that are laid on me is meticulously measured by THE ONE who "knows our frame: and "knows full well that I am dust" (Psalm 103:14) Not a hair's weight more than I can sustain will be added to my load, but a load there must be for me as HIS child, for I am in training.

I am promised something intriguing and mysterious when this is all over~"an ETERNAL weight of GLORY, out of all proportion to MY pain: (2 Cor. 4:17)

My ol my. Most of you know I am just beating myself up over my weight and God and I are still working on that issue. But I couldn't help but think..."O Lord, "my frame" may be heavy and wide, but that DOES NOT mean I can handle the EXTRA weight. My bones are already stressing."

Trusting fully that God is in control. I must tell you Michael has shown great strides this week. He was actually able to sit at his desk for a full day with only a few hour break in the middle today!!! Can I get an amen?!

I have kept myself rather busy these past few weeks. I think I've made it through the whole house twice. I have literally moved EVERY piece of furniture, in EVERY room, several times. Big Sis, I have gladly taken at least 5 loads to Goodwill. Might want to check the one on 211 for the latest arrivals!!! There will be more to come.

I was trying to take a nice long bath tonight and just chill. All intentions of climbing in bed and watching a movie tonight and doing no remodeling or cleaning of any sort...when Satan showed up IN THE BATHROOM. How dare he?

I recently took the chore of replacing ALL of our bath towels, cloths, hand towels..everything...WELL, I was relaxed and feeling clean and low and behold I start to dry off and am frustrated beyond belief at the fact that I got a towel that had NOT been washed enough yet that it left those little lint balls all over. I was beside myself. I tried to just brush them off and let it go. But NO Satan wouldn't stop. I started to put my lotion on....and the lint balls multiplied. Had to rinse off again and start over.

Someone want to tell me why when we have had enough and FINALLY feel like we have just a small break that one little feather drops and sends us completely over the edge. I was so hot had to just use cold water the second time. Blood was BOILING.

I'm wondering now, it might have something to do with the fact that due to travel and illness we have not been to church in o....a month, maybe more. I'm glad to announce, we have NOT changed churches and we will be back Sunday!!! Providing Michael continues to do so well. I might need directions on how to get to church now. No, I'm just kidding. I probably will need to rejoin it's been so long.

Anyway, the only way I knew how to cool down was just to come write. I did some laps around the house before I sat down. Ya know, I think that might be why dogs have to turn in circles before laying down. They are so frustrated with not being able to tell us what their thinking, us speaking for them and thinking we know what their thinking...they must do the circles to cool down before chilling. Just a thought.

Speaking of dogs...Americans Greatest Dog started last night! Scooter, the girls and I sat and didn't blink the whole hour. (Michael went to bed early...he didn't want to watch it. Weird guy.) Anyway, our house is backing Tillman (the bulldog). He is TOO STINKIN CUTE. He can skateboard, snowboard, awesome is that. Scooter can't even bring the ball back to me. They do have a web site if you want to join the fan club or check up on all the dogs. Cool site. I loved it!

Other thoughts from the brain of Candy....

I thought I was doing something nice today for the girls. They have been SO good. I mean we haven't really gotten out of the house much since we've been back from Florida. They did so well in the wedding too, I wanted to reward them. So I took them to Target (WHAT OTHER STORE IS THERE?) to pick out a toy. Terra has been wanting this Hannah Montana guitar thing. So I got it. She wanted to EAT DINNER with this thing on! She has NOT stopped singing and playing this thing. She's watching TV right this moment, with the guitar, headset microphone and all on, while sitting on the couch!!!! IT ONLY PLAYS THREE SONGS. And just the chorus. If I hear "Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days..." one more time....I'm going to pull my hear out.

LeAnn, ALL GIRL. Picked a barbie head that she gets to fix the hair. PERFECT!!! It's quite! It's losing hair light David she keeps brushing it and has been ALL DAY. But she's happy and so. Till all the hair comes out...we are good to go.

My girls are SO different. I love them both. Life has been a blessing. I do understand the trials...they make us stronger and makes us rely on our Heavenly Father. He does love us. If I wasn't being tested I would think there was something wrong with Him. Cause I'm far from being the woman of God I KNOW He wants me to be.

SO for now, I will keep trying. Keep fighting. Keep praying. I trust You Father to let what You need to, hit me in the face. So I can be amazed at how much You love me and will carry me through every storm.

My Abba Father, I will rest in You Alone!

Candy Justice

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