Friday, August 22, 2008

Where are you guys?

I have seen it all. Scooter sleeping minding his own business and Rock decides that he wants to slay where Scooter is. Well, does he ask him to move, NO just falls over (literally) on top of him. As you can see, Scooter was too tired to get up and move. Even after having a dog twice his weight lay on top of him!

Yea, not where I would want to rest my head either, but Scooter didn't mind.

This is funny. Pay close attention. We are sleeping.

Rockford is slipping through the crack but still sleeping.

Scooter had enough slipping and moved. Rock, still sleeping.

Rock has completely slipped through the crack of the ottoman and the love seat. BUT STILL SLEEPING.

Rock is standing up here. Scooter is trying to figure out where the rest of him went. Rock STILL sleeping. This character would be the blood hound in him coming out. The boy does not wake for ANYTHING.

The girls went for a hair cut. We had all decided to grow our hair out together. Well Terra had enough. She was SET on it being short. LeAnn and I are still growing ours out. This has been a hard day for me. I KNOW they are their OWN person. I do not dress them alike or think they are the same in any way. But different hair a little hard of a pill to swallow. I'm working on it.

I went walking the other night after having a hard day. Was worried about a friend who had a doctors appointment. (I love you Lynne!) Having the prayers answered. Then after praying God would give me some relief from a migraine, and He did let it easy up for a little bit. Went walking and God gave me a third gift that day. This beautiful scene. God showing off!

Getting to know the boyz, up close and personal. Scooter Winston Justice. Just over a year old. Weighing in at 11 pounds. But can pull a Pit/Blood house all over the house and show him whose boss!

Rockford Sebastian Justice. Just at 3 months old. Weighing in at 26 pounds. Part Pit Bull, part Blood Hound. Just started puppy school today! Sleeps through EVERYTHING.

Rockford's foot. He still has ALOT of growing to fit into these babies.

Now that your up to par on the pics. Where have we been? Doctors appointment, Target pharmacy, home, in and out of the house several times an hour, for a puppy to relieve himself. Watching as much Pre Season NFL football as I can get on the TV.

Michael is improving VERY slowly. Still spends 22 hours on his back per day. Candy, well I have yet another cyst. Gee, no wonder with a husband falling apart, an extra dog (I did NOT want) to take care of. School for the girls and I approaching in 2 days and have lots to do to get ready for that. Two girls that need to get out of the house and each others hair.

I really do feel like I have the flu or something. Achy ALL over, Fever coming and going. Body pain. No appetite. But anyway. So we've been unable to really get our feet under us before Satan plants another pit hole in the road.

Please partner with me in prayer that Michael and I both will feel drastically better in the next 24 hours. Other wise Monday will prove to be very difficult to handle. I have every intent of getting up at 5:30am every week day to walk 3 miles in 45 minutes. I could not figure out another time to get exercise in. I'm so tired and feel heavy...I need to get this weight off. I know I will feel better in more ways than one. As the girls and I do head to school, there is still the factor of Michael being flat on his back with two dogs.

I know we are not the only ones Satan is attacking, but I sure feel like he is working so hard on us, how does he have time to hit anyone else. There must be some relief soon.

So for now, that is where we have been. We will prevail. God will not leave His children in the valley any longer than He needs us to be here.

Love you all.
Justice Family

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