Friday, August 8, 2008

Update on Da Boyz

I have said many times that Scooter REALLY needs some pants. Well Michael found this shirt in Pet Smart. How perfect is this!!!

I mean seriously Scooter and his manhood...we know already now put it away!

It's the stare down. Who will move first?

It's MY toy, LEt me just say Scooter can take care of himself. He pulls Rock ALL over the house. It's so stinkin funny. Cause Rock has no idea what to do with all those legs!

Rock IS NOT allowed on the furniture. Too big! Scooter IS allowed on the furniture. This is Rock caught forgetting the rules.

What is up with these dogs and laying on their back. If I was Rock I'd keep my little peanuts hidden till they could top Scooters coconuts!!!

Our house is loaded with fun these days. I like how Beth Moore put it in her recent Simulcast. "Life with too new puppies is....WILD" I agreed. We laugh none stop watching these two play.

I am slowly bounding with Rock. I can't hold him. I can't stare at his face. Seriously I pick the big guy up and he looks everywhere BUT at me. He wants down and he doesn't hide it. How rude! Doesn't he know who the boss is in this home. He better start kissin up.

I signed him up for puppy school at Pet Smart today! Clearly the dog does not know his name. He has no idea what his ears are for. He must think the name Rock belongs to some invisable thing in the house. He does not even turn and look at you when you call his name. So acknowledgement. None what so ever! I had him checked, he is NOT deaf so.

He knows how to sit but will do so when HE wants to or when he REALLY has to go outside. Cause I'll stand there ALL day till he sits and I THEN and only then will put the leash on and take him out. So he is figuring this out.

Rock thinks any toy in the house is HIS. Scooter has to fight for his own toys. But again, Scooter has laid down the law several times and I think Rock is coming around. VERY slowly but. He will learn.

Rock is completely house trained. He does go sit by the door till you take him out. And if your not in the room to see him by the front door he will whine till you come. He has come to the room where I am and whined too. So I know he needs to go.

His time limit on sitting in the poop position is getting shorter. THANK GOODNESS. I mean this dog that is nothing but all legs sitting in that position for as long as he does is kinda embrassing. Seriously.

I did break and let him sleep in the bed while Michael was gone. O MY HEAVENS! He was ON TOP OF ME several times. I got NO sleep what so ever. My huge King bed felt like a twin with him and Scooter in the bed. SO he is back on the floor in his bed. I'm trying to bond with him...I'm making steps and he is not. So...


But I need to go for now. It's dinner time and with two dogs and a damily to feed, this is quite a busy time of day. All is well in the Justice home. Da Boyz are doing great! I'll let you know how school goes. He has 8 weeks so....Can you fail dog school?

Have a great day everyone till next time


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