Monday, August 25, 2008

Scary Moments

Have you ever wondered why you end up in certain places at certain times? I had one of these experiences today. It is still replaying and I can't seem to erase it all.

I was on my way to get the girls from school. I took, what we call "the short cut" and I ended up in the middle of the worse car accident I have ever seen. Many of you know about 3 years ago the girls, some friends of ours and I were in the van heading home after a party. We were rear ended. Since then, I have spent the majority of my time looking in my rear view mirror. Well that may have just saved me from a very serious injury today.

I was coming from the residential part of Laxton Road. I was pulling up to the red like (heading towards Timberlake). I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw that there was this gold colored car flying towards me. Faster than you would go on the interstate. I floored the van and pulled on the curb. I had taken Rockford with me to get the girls, cause he likes to ride in the car. I stared the rest of the time. I am not sure what happened inside this lady's car. All I know was there were no brake lights as she flew by and ran into every one as she flew down the road. She slammed into a teal car holding a girl and a boy. They couldn't have been any older than high schoolers. They were turned around, car destroyed. I hate to think they had just left their first day of school at the high school right across the street. I know the boy was injured and left in the ambulance. He was in the passenger seat. I lost track of the driver. The lady then side swipped several other cars before jumping the curve and totaling a young girls car that was simply parked in her drive way. People immediately stopped and ran to all the cars involved. I sat there unable to move. I could only sit there and say "OMG, OMG, OMG." I know that that's not the best thing to say. I'm working on it.

My panic attacks never felt this bad. I called 911, three times. Guess what...brand new Black Berry Pearl and could not get the 911 response to ring, much less go through. NOT GOOD. So I called Michael. Thank goodness he can be calm. A guy came over to make sure I was ok, and I said yes, I wasn't hit. Rockford was in the passenger seat shacking like a leaf. The guy worked for the insurance company right across the street. He then told me to stay in my van and do not leave the scene. That the officer would need a statement. Wonderful, I thought.

I hated to have Michael get up and try to drive, but someone had to get the girls from school. He managed somehow to drive and get them. He's been on ice since then. I really need two or three of me. One could have stayed at the accident. One could have gotten the girls. The last could have stayed with Michael to help take care of him so he didn't have to get up for anything.

The bad part about having to stay at the scene was that you have to sit there and watch all the injured be pulled from the cars. I watched a fire fighter try to pull a car door off with his hands. That was weird. Also still sitting there, things replay and the whole scene gets cooked into your memory.

I hope and pray for the family of this lady. I have no idea if she feel asleep, or had a medical accident that forced her foot on the gas and unable to stop and control her car. I kept thinking, what if like me, she was simply heading to pick up her child from their first day of school. She was behind me for several blocks and seemed fine. Then all of a sudden there was a gap between us and then she came flying past. It all happened so fast. The Barrick family came to mind. How things can turn so quickly in life.

I gave my statement and was free to go. I just wish I could stop replaying this in my mind. The Campbell Country Police called my phone twice. I called back and had to leave a message. I am not sure what else they may need from me. I just want it all to be erased and forgotten about.

I pray that all those involved will be touched by God's hand and He will intervene and all will be well.

I hate to write about something so heavy but it's all that my mind and heart is focused on and I thought if I sat and wrote that it would relieve me some. Please partner with me in praying for all those families involved. Only God knows who they are and what medical state they are in right now.

I can leave you with a little bit of a higher note....

Thank You Lord for scholarship money for school. I broke down and only am enrolled in two classes. These will be very difficult Accounting courses. After talking to my accounting teacher, she agreed that taking these two together will be more than enough to keep me busy. So two books right? Only two books, can't be THAT much right. How bout $526.37. I KNOW. What in the world? It's paper and ink. Seriously.

O and yes, for those that asked...I did get up at 5:30am and went walking. I did not meet the 3 mile mark in 45 minutes, but will work on getting more ground covered in that time.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.

Lord continue to protect me. I could have easily been apart of the accident and not just a witness. That was totally You. I'm so undeserving.

1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

Oh Candy I am so sorry you had to be a witness to that! It will take a long time for you to get that image out of your head. But God protected you and for that I am thankful! I will pray that everyone involved is ok.