Saturday, August 16, 2008

Poor Pooky Baby is down again

Ok, everyone wants to know "what's wrong with Michael?" I'm telling you we have been married for almost nine years and he has NEVER been sick. Yet this summer, he has spent the better half of it laid up.

Let me answer the questions that have been asked most....

No he did not decide to listen to me and go ahead and have his second surgery.

No the other abcence (spell?)did not burst.

No I did not beat him up.

This is his back. Michael has been having back pain, along with the other problem....for a few years. The pain got so bad last week he would have to get up and walk, lay on the floor or whatever he could to try and relieve the pain. So he called a chiropractor. We went last week and the Dr. did a review and sent Michael for an xray before doing any adjustments. Which was cool. My chiropractor never sent me for an xray. After getting this done. He gave us his findings.

Basically Michael has the spine of a 50 year old and if he did not get it fixed now it will age an average of 5 years per year he lives. So he also has a bulging disk. Well Michael's dad once a month, will throw out his back and he walks in pain with his spine looking like a snake. No lie. I've never seen anything like it. You can actually see his back twisted from under his shirt.

Well Michael had his first adjustment Thursday of last week. Well by Thursday night when he came home from a friends house...he was literally crawling into the house. I gave him 6 ibuprofen and he slept on the couch. He said it's easier on his back as it curves down and such.

Total rabbit trail we NEED a new mattress. Ours is 8 years old. I KNOW, really bad. But have you seen the prices on pillow top KING size mattresses lately? Holy Cow. I keep flipping the thing but. Anyway may have to dry up the emergency fund for the mattress.

Anyway...Friday he woke up and could not move. I mean, bed pan, shouting when he did move, pain. It was awful. I have NEVER seen Michael tear up or be in so much pain as I have this summer. Lets put it this way. Michael said the other day he would go through two of those er proceedors he went through earlier in the summer (the one that was so Inhumane). He called the Dr and he said he needed Michael to come in. Well that's hard to do if you can't get up. Michael said it feels like there is NO spine in his back. He said it feels like jello.

I managed to get him up about 4:30pm and drove him over to the Dr. He did what ever he does. I, along with a crutch on the other side, carried Michael in there. He walked out. We had hope. But again by Friday night....gone again. He's is in ALOT OF PAIN.

Lets just put it this way. To anyone that may have seen me walking out of the ABC store. Michael is the reason. Daddy you would be proud. I actually walked in there ALL BY MYSELF and got the "expensive medicines" and have kept him "think" he's feeling better.

Bad thing about chiropractors is that they do not do pain meds. I say the heck with that give me the drugs and let me be.

Anyway. The bad thing about all this for Michael is the pain is not the worst part of all this IN HIS EYES. It's the fact that he can not get up and do. He gets angry with that whole part of things.

So needless to say, we will be attending Bed side Baptist AGAIN tomorrow.

As for the dogs (for those that have been asking).

CRAZINESS. I have a husband down, two dogs to take out, watch and keep from tearing up the house, two little girls that are up and down with breathing.....I need about 3 more of me at this point. We have ONE more week of summer before school starts and I feel like things can not be in worse shape to begin the new year. I'm going NUTS. I did manage to get the whole house reorganized, spotless, and set in that way. That makes me feel SO much better.

So these are the happenings in our home. I sure hope things are better with you all....Seeing as it seems Satan is camping out in our home.....

Rock got a full name now. Rockford Sebastian Justice. And he starts school on Friday. THANK GOODNESS. BUT guess who has to take him. Yea, AND HE'S NOT EVEN MY DOG!!!!! If Michael is able he's SUPPOSE to be out of town. But who knows.

O MY. I thought Rock had something stuck in his foot. I kept hearing this tapping when he walked on the hard wood floors. I picked him up (which I am not going to be able to do much longer). But anyway, I could not get the "rock" out of his foot. It was stuck between the pads in his back foot. SO I took him back to the bedroom to see is Michael could hold him or calm him so I could get it out. IT WAS A PEPPERMINT! What IN the world?! The girls has Subway for dinner and Terra said she spit her peppermint out, outside. Well Rock's luck, he steps on a sticky peppermint and carries it with him. See, you CAN'T make up stuff better than this!!!!

Hopefully ya are all getting a kick out of my life story.

Lord help us all!!!!!


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