Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Play doh

I know I know, it's been 4 months...so sorry. Been a lot going on.

I thought I'd try to get back in the hang of blogging again. So here goes...

I was playing with play doe with the girls today. I was trying to be creative and make a dog or something and I never could get that ball of doe to turn into anything that looked worth writing home about. Maybe that's why someone invented play doe you can eat! When you get frustrated with it, just eat it. I wonder if that really taste good. I don't know...seems after playing with it for a while...just doesn't sound all that tasty.

As I got frustrated though, somehow I was reminded of Jeremiah 18:6 "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand." I don't know about you, but I know I cause A LOT of frustration for God. I often find myself feeling sorry for Him. Does this happen to anyone else?

Sometimes I wish He would just write a blue print out of how He sees us and how He wants us to be. I know I'm far from the mark. Yet He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. I was quick to throw the handful of play doe back in the bin and call it a day.

Can you imagine though, all He goes through to shape us. The love He must have to be patient and understanding of our failures and stubbornness. How heart breaking it must be for the Father to spend so much time and with one thought or act, we crumble in His hands, leaving Him with nothing to do but start all over again.

It bothers me to even look back on the past 24 hours of thoughts and actions I have done to break the mold. Thank you Lord for grace! Grace that can pardon within and make us whole again. Thank you Father for the Cross where you covered every sin we have committed or will commit.

Lord keep me ever mindful of Your hands at work in my life. Though the molding can be painful at times, help me to trust in You and lean on Your understanding and not my own. Forgive and cleanse me. Help me to become what You long for me to be.

Good night my Lion of Judah!

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