Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26th

I know I know, I got behind here on blogging. It's been a rough week with out my anxiety and depression meds. Alot of sleeping thru the week is about all thats been going on. Today, some news and scheduling. My second Lupus test (cause the first was inclusive) came back positive. I am not in a severe state and meds will be able to minimize syptoms. In light of this a surgery they have been talking about doing will be done at Mayo on Monday, March 29th at 6pm. Yes 6pm. Odd time of day but whatever. It's a 90 minute surgery. They are removing my ovaries, apendix and a small portion of my intestinal tubing. I will be placed on hormone therapy and back on my seroquel. In hopes that these will be the only meds I will need. In addition of course to the lupus meds. After surgery I will be monitored here for a while, before being released to come home. I have hopes of being home by Easter but I'm not sue that is a realistic expectation. I know it seems like alot at one time but we've been doing test and test with no real answers. Not to say that Mayo is not accomplishing all we expected and needed to be done. They have been amazing and have figured out and done more in a few weeks time than what we were getting accomplished in months in Lynchburg. I'm glad that I came, it's been extremely tough to be here without my husband and kids, but I'm trying to remember when mommy's not well, she can't do all that mommy needs to do. So for them, I must take this time to figure things out and well. Anyway, not much else to report. Though this is alot in one blog.

As for everyone in invovled in the Living Cross. I can't believe performances start TONIGHT. What a ministry. I miss it SO much. I'm praying for all invovled and all who will see it. May God continue to use this ministry for His Glory.

Till next time,
Bye for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl! You know two of my friends have Lupus and once you get it under control it can be managed quite well. Keep your head up!