More playin around n the van.
Aren't I incient?!
Testing my self portrait skills. Can't master it. Might need help Dacia!
Everyone blow....(some of you have dirty minds....)
Working our facials.
VT college game time! SO EXCITED! You like like our cups and beads...jersey's too!
The girls were SO excited!
Sportin their new cups. I KNOW their beer coolers...but we were sportin our cherry coke! I just LOVED the cups. So CUTE.
Terra working on her Offensive skills
LeAnn working HER Offense skills. I think she's so small she'd have to settle for the kicker position though.
A little half time posing outside. Very nice day outside. 85 and sunny
Scooter and Rockford all worn out from playing. Nice placement of the toy right? Rockford did that himself. Guess he's still a little upset with the size difference of said area between him and Scooter! : { (doesn't this face look like a guy with a mustach> Love it.
We HAD to go to the mother-n-laws house for a birthday celebration. Who does that on the the first day of college football?
FYI...I'm having a SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE...yes a SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE party for the girls at our student building at church. Again it's a SURPRISE where there are several high school girls coming to do makeup, hair and nails on all the girls. Watching Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus concert with Three D's not till September 13th. Again A SURPRISE. Which means SAY NOTHING. They think they are ONLY doing a photo shoot to put a portfolio together. Which they are but I decided last minute to throw a party in there. Again a SURPRISE......I will HURT you in ways you can NOT imagine if you let it slip. Pre warned...
Uncle John (the older brother) with his birthday cake. The Justice family has EVERYTHING happening in September. Michael and I anniversary. John and Niki's anniversary. Terra and LeAnn's birthday. Mother-n-law birthday. Michael's Aunt's birthday. Jess (sister in law) birthday....good heavens....
Terra and LeAnn sittin by the pool.
My FLORIDA GATORS won their game. So one of my two teams won. Can't win them all. I'm true a fan no matter what.
I must say...seems like EVERYONE is getting hurt early on. Little scary.
I like the new bit ESPN is doing with Dr. Lou. Very funny. Thursday nite he said something I liked..."Behind every successful person is a very shocked mother-n-law" I like that. No more comments on my part though.
Many are asking how Michael is doin? Well I am proud to say he is doing MUCH better. He is able to sit for a few hours...depending on the time of day. He must lay down and ice his back though right after that. The pain level is being able to be managed with a normal dose of that's good. On days he goes to the chiropractor...pain and such it worse. But he makes it through them much better than he was.
Please partner with us to pray for Todd. Todd is a member of Michael's praise band. He just graduated from hgh school last year. Very mature for his age. I say that cause everyone else in the band is in college or a graduate from college. But anyway. Todd, Tuesday nite at practice was telling the guys that he could not pick up a microphone stand with one hand. Since then he has gotten worse. He is basically in the hospital and not able to move at all. They have tested him for alot of things. The doctors have come down to it could be MS, as that runs in his family. Or some type of blood infection. If it's the blood infection they will basically do a blood transfution. But please pray for Todd and his parents as they find out for sure what is wrong. Todd is in good spirits right now. But the band is canceling a gig that was suupose to take place at a church in Tuesday night.
Other than this...nothing really new. More pictures that news. Which I'm sure most of you like better.
Well it's half time of the Bama/Clemson game. Go Bama!!!!! That's Alabama. I pick them cause I have friends that went there and well...they have an AH-MAZ-ING cheerleading team. Plus I have a cousin that lives in Alabama. I've never been there but would like to go sometime. Half time is closing which's time to go.
Hope all is well with you all.
Hokie Bird Faithful fan